Top 5 Common Pueraria Mirifica Side Effects

Top 5 Common Pueraria Mirifica Side Effects

In this letter, we’ll look at Pueraria Mirifica side effects and how to deal with them.

Like any substance, using Pueraria Mirifica can have side effects. 

These risks are directly connected to how it’s used and administered.


This is why it is important to use Pueraria Mirifica responsibly and enjoy it's amazing benefits

Additionally, you should also know Pueraria Mirifica side effects so you can determine if you're rightly using it.

  1. Unnerves the Digestive System

Using too much Pueraria Mirifica can cause a hormonal disorder in your body.

One of the immediate signs of this disorder is the unnerving of your digestive system. 

This can manifest in the form of irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, bloat, and more...

  1. Breast Pain

Overdose on Pueraria Mirifica as a breast enhancement solution can make you feel pain in your breasts.

Always make sure you’re strictly following the instructions on application and frequency when using Pueraria Mirifica for breast growth.

  1. Abnormal Increase in Appetite

This Pueraria Mirifica side effect is also a result of high levels of estrogen that make you very sensitive to the hormone ghrelin

This hormone triggers your sensation of hunger and because of your sensitivity to it,  you’ll feel hungrier than you actually are.

  1. Reduction in Libido

Pueraria Mirifica is rumored to be used traditionally as a remedy for boosting and reviving lost sexual appetite.

Even though there are no studies to back up this claim, the revival of sexual desire requires special amounts of estrogen.

This substance is produced by the body naturally.

However, when the body is subjected to an external estrogen supplement as a booster, there will be constricting levels of estrogen trying to be dominant in the body.

Liken it to people that tend to trigger external dopamine release through smoking, alcohol and drugs.

They become addicted and after a long time of substance abuse, the body stops producing dopamine as it normally should.

So going by this, the end result will be a reduction in libido due to the body responding to increased but constricting levels of estrogen.

  1. Irregular Menstrual Cycle

In 2004, a study conducted by the National Library of Science showed an increased length of days in the menstrual cycle with subjects treated to estrogenic Pueraria Mirifica.

This is because Pueraria Mirifica contains plant compounds known as phytoestrogens or plant estrogens.

When these compounds bind to the estrogen receptors of your cells, they influence an unnatural increase in menstrual cycle days.


Note that if you are using Pueraria Mirifica related substances, any changes to your menstrual cycle should be brought up to your doctor immediately. 

This often indicates that you are overdosing or you’re generally sensitive to the plant’s compounds.


Due to this risk, breastfeeding or pregnant women should not use extracts, capsules, serums, or herbal supplements of Pueraria Mirifica. 

This also applies to children under the age of 18 since disrupting their reproductive cycle might lead to complications with their development and long-term health.


The Pueraria Mirifica side effects explained in this letter are not any different from the effects of misusing other supplements.

As long as you use it responsibly and as instructed, you can avoid possible complications from its use.

Enjoying the True Natural Benefits of Pueraria Mirifica vs. Breast Enhancement

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From the best earth-grown nutrients in our Pueraria Mirifica breast enhancement serums and capsules, enjoy true natural benefits for a younger, bouncier, and vibrant bustline you love.

Indeed if you love a naturally bouncy, full, and gorgeous look rather than the fake-looking, uneven, or scarred breasts that often result from surgical implants, our Pueraria Mirifica package delivers—absolutely natural beauty.

Safe, effective, and impressive results for women who want to keep or improve their figures no matter their life stage—what could be better? Hello, beautiful breasts and bottom… hello, boosted self-esteem!

Learn how to get your own supply of this beautifying Pueraria Mirifica package here and get ready to dazzle & feel fabulous.

If you have any questions and inquiries, shoot us an email: or leave a comment below. We always reply to our clients.

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