Retinol can change the way your skin looks and feels. It has become one of the most popular ingredients in skin creams and anti-aging products. It has quite a few benefits and can truly help your skin to look younger and healthier. It is a great idea to know what you are putting on your skin, so here are some facts about how retinol works on your aging skin.
What is it?
Retinol is actually just another way to talk about vitamin A. Vitamin A is a type of retinoid which can help to heal and repair the skin. It can be found in many foods including vegetables and is a staple of most of our diets. What many don't know is how well it can help your skin.
What does retinol do for your skin?
There are many people out there that are huge fans of what retinol can do for your skin. You have probably even seen quite a few creams and lotions with retinol that promise to make your skin look much younger and healthier. Is this true? Retinol actually has many benefits for your skin that you were probably not even aware of. For example, retinol can help to refresh and rejuvenate your skin in a matter of days. It helps to rebuild and repair your skin cells which comes in handy when you are trying to get rid of the fine lines and wrinkles that age has started to create.
Helps to Control Acne
Acne is a skin problem that many people try to find relief from. Acne seems to take over your skin and sometimes, you may feel like it will never go away. Using products that contain retinol is a great way to start with clearing up and controlling your acne problem. Retinol helps to exfoliate the skin which can help to clean out your pours. This will help to fight off the acne that is starting to form. This can also help to get rid of the acne that you already have. Clean pores means less bacteria to start a new batch of acne on your skin.
Retinol Moisturizer Night Cream
Once you are ready to see just what retinol can do for you, Swiss Botany has a moisturizing night cream that can help your skin to fight off free radicals that cause earlier aging. Not only does this night cream have the strength to help fade lines and wrinkles, it is also gentle enough for those with sensitive skin. This night cram contains retinol along with shea butter to help add moisture to your skin. It helps you by getting rid of fine lines, age spots, wrinkles, and even puffiness of the skin. It comes highly recommended by many of our valued customers.
Swiss Botany also makes a natural skin brightener that contains retinol. Made with mulberry and licorice, this skin brightener can do wonders for your skin. It helps to even out your skin tones and helps to get dark spots on your face to fade away, making your look years younger. With retinol and shea butter, this skin brightener is a customer favorite!
Are there any side effects?
Many products warn those who use them that too much of a good thing could end up hurting your skin. There is no exception for retinol when it comes to overuse. If you are using it too much, it can actually make your skin very sensitive to the sun's UV rays. There is an easy way to find a solution to this side effect though. If you do use retinol, apply sunscreen that has an SPF of 40 or higher each time you are exposed to the sun. There are actually retinol treatments that contain SPF so you may want to try those too.
Retinol has many incredible benefits that we can all enjoy. Having that youthful glow is only one of them. Once you find a great retinol product, you will be very happy with the final results. You can always visit our blog to find out more uses for retinol.