Natural Skin Care Routines Need Vitamin C: Here's Why
Vitamin C - it's good for a cold, and it's good for your skin. We're deep-diving into why you should incorporate this magic into your natural skin care routine.
What comes to mind when you think of Vitamin C?
Perhaps its orange juice, citrus fruit, or maybe those multivitamins sitting on the kitchen counter?
Natural skin care may not immediately come to mind, but you're about to learn why you need vitamin C in your routine now.
Let's break down why vitamin C is great for your skin:
- It helps repair and grow tissues in the body.
- It's a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants prevent and slow down cell damage, which helps decrease risks for cancer, heart disease, and arthritis.
- Antioxidants also block and slow down the aging process by expelling toxins and forming stronger natural collagen.
- Vitamin C minimizes bruising, gum inflammation, and swelling of the joints.
- It strengthens the immune system, making it easier to fight off infections and heal wounds faster.
See any skin benefits emerging here?
There's no question that you need Vitamin C in your diet. Now, let's explore what vitamin C does for your skin and how to incorporate it into your routine, step by step.
Morning: Refresh Your Natural Skin Care Routine
Good morning!
You've splashed your face with cold water, and now you're ready to protect your skin from all those harmful free radicals.
In a nutshell, free radicals are good cells gone bad, and that's really bad for your skin. These cells have undergone a type of trauma, so to speak. These traumas can be environmental, chemical, and even psychological.
The more these free radicals pile up, the faster your skin will wrinkle and discolor.
That's why the antioxidant power of vitamin C is so important for any anti-aging skin care routine.
These are a few common sources of skin-damaging free radicals:
- Nicotine
- Poor diet and malnutrition
- Stress
- Air pollution
- UV rays
- Illness
Now you know how antioxidants work, it's time to juice up your morning with a powerful punch of Vitamin C.
- First, drink plenty of water! Skin is an organ, but it's the last to be hydrated. Start your morning off right with a large glass of water.
- Gently exfoliate to remove dirt and dead skin cells.
- Cleanse your skin with a gentle, all-natural cleanser.
- Then finish off with a toner and vitamin C-infused serum
Mid-Day Routine: Avoid Sun Damage
You know how dangerous the sun is. Prolonged sun exposure causes skin discoloration, sun spots, and wrinkles.
That's why UV protection should be central to your mid-day skin care routine, but it's more than just sunscreen.
So how can vitamin C help?
It all comes back to free radicals. Remember those?
The sun produces two types of rays, ultraviolet A and B, or UVA and UVB. UVB produces free radicals that cause more short term damage, like sunburns, while UVA produces long-term effects like wrinkles and even skin cancers.
This means you need sunscreen to combat UVB rays, and you also need antioxidant-rich vitamin C to rid your body of free radicals caused by UVA rays.
Some sunscreen may already come enriched with vitamin C, but you may want to include a vitamin C skin gel to protect from free radicals throughout the day. Not only is this great for mitigating long-term sun effects, but it's particularly helpful if you're surrounded by city pollution or frequently stressed at work.
Evening: Improve Your Skin While You Sleep
There's nothing like washing away the day, especially when you know your skin is improving for the better.
Vitamin C brought you this far, so why not include it in your evening skin care routine as well?
In fact, vitamin C is crucial for healthy collagen production. In short, collagen is a protein that keeps your connective tissue together. It maintains the strength and structure of your bones, skin, and muscles.
If you can't produce collagen, your body literally falls apart. That's why pirates with vitamin C deficiencies would famously get "scurvy."
Collagen is that special sauce that keeps your skin young and strong, but it dwindles with age.
Because of its pivotal role in collagen production, however, vitamin C is one of the most trusted all-natural anti-aging properties. Night creams and serums rich in vitamin C work all night to make your skin brighter, smoother, and hydrated.
Tip: You may also want to use a vitamin C eye gel around your eyes to smooth out that delicate skin while you sleep, as eyes are more prone to aging.
Spa Day: Treat Yourself with Vitamin C
You deserve to pamper yourself, but you also want to know that your spa treatments are working.
You go to the spa to relax, refresh, and to basically rid yourself of those harm free radicals that target your skin. What better way to pamper yourself than with a vitamin c-infused treatment?
The best part is that you can always give yourself a vitamin C spa treatment at home.
Simply start your spa treatment with your normal morning regiment, complete with exfoliation, cleansing, and of course, drinking water!
Now the fun really begins.
Next, cover your face with a healthy vitamin c mud mask. This will help brighten and even out your skin by targeting sun spots and other unwanted discoloration due to sun damage, skin conditions, and acne scars. You can also apply vitamin C masks to other areas you want to lighten up and even out as well.
After, wash off your mask and apply an all-natural toner to help soften and tighten up your skin, or apply your vitamin C serum while you sit back and relax.
Now ask yourself, what does vitamin C mean to you?
It's so much more than orange juice and supplements. Vitamin C is an effective all-natural ingredient that fights off, and prevents, the free radicals that cause aging, sun damage, skin conditions, and unwanted discoloration.
You know what you need to do.
Now's the time to check your natural skin care products to see if you're getting enough vitamin C in your skin care routine (or even your diet for that matter).
Make sure you have enough vitamin c to keep that collagen strong and your skin looking young.