Are you worried about the dangers of using the Pueraria Mirifica supplements? Come on board as we take you through a detailed explanation that answers the question, Is Pueraria Mirifica Dangerous?
Pueraria Mirifica is a medicinal plant initially cultivated in Thailand. The plant has many amazing benefits that make it one of the most wanted herbs in the cosmetics industry. Let’s take a look at how the use of Pueraria Mirifica herb can lead to health dangers:
Pueraria Mirifica And Breast Enhancement
One of the primary uses of the herb in the cosmetics industry is for breast augmentation. The Pueraria Mirifica herb is widely used to enhance the appearance of the breast. When used for breast enhancement, the herb causes your breast to be soft and tender. The wrong dose can lead to prolonged tenderness which is followed by jolting pains in the breast.
Pueraria Mirifica And Sex Drive
The Pueraria Mirifica herb is also used to increase sexual drive in both men and women. Just like every other sex enhancement drug, when you overdose on the herb, you will experience the opposite of what you should get. You will suffer fatigue, tiredness, and loss of libido when you use too much of the herb.
Complications In The Digestive System
Regular intake of the Pueraria Mirifica herb causes your body to produce large amounts of estrogen. When you don’t take the right amount of the supplement, you could suffer complications like bowel irritations, nausea, and excessive gas.
Weight Gain
When the Pueraria Mirifica herb is abused, it can increase your appetite which will cause you to eat more. This could lead to excessive weight gain that is very difficult to control.
Pueraria Mirifica And Menopause
One of the major uses of the Pueraria Mirifica herb is the hormone replacement therapy. The plant hormone is used to replace the female hormones after menopause. The two primary hormones of the female reproductive system, progesterone and estrogen are replaced by phytoestrogens from the Pueraria Mirifica herb. This hormone helps to relieve the symptoms of menopause such as irritability, moodiness, hot flashes and insomnia.
However, the overdose of Pueraria Mirifica herb used for the treatment of menopause has so many adverse effects on the body. Side effects like vomiting, stomach upset and loss of appetite occur with the overdose of the herb. Prolonged treatment using the Pueraria Mirifica herb increases the risk of breast cancer, blood clots, heart disease and stroke.
It is advised to always buy the product from a reputable brand to offers the correct dosage. You should also consult a medical professional if you notice any unusual reaction to the cause of using the product. The Swiss Botany Pueraria Mirifica Capsule is a product you can trust with all the right information on how to use the Pueraria Mirifica herb.
For information on Pueraria Mirifica supplements , check out some of our blogs!